April 16, 2023: cg collection, working on pc98. + ai image gallery
April 4, 2023: april page and everskies avatar collection. also some draft archives.
Dec. 4, 2022: december page made 2 compile winter themed visual novels as to put off actually playing them maybe idk we'll see. also changed general site theme to a wintery/christmas one
Oct. 5, 2022: october page! archival system underway... & more sims screenshots:/
Sep. 26, 2022: a section for sims screenshots, & uploaded some banners to the misc page
Sep. 24, 2022: added a nostalgic lookbook section to showcase tbe bratz dolls
Sep. 21, 2022: little html/etc resource page, experimentation w/ color schemes, & more misc. @ fruit Sep. 21, 2022: nostalgic link section w/ a lot of flash games. a september text addition, code collection, & some random stuff
Sep. 20, 2022: made some [perhaps premature] holiday themed pages, as well as a succint about pag. also a miscellaneous graphics page, and a myspace page to come back to.
Sep. 19, 2022: a september shitpost page, resource hub, this page, etc...